Have you ever think of what is important for you?
yea... for me
yea... for me
I'm of vital concernment about my FAMILY!
Families help to create the future.
They tend to push towards valued goals in life.
They're inseparable
isn't it there are no such word
as a TRUE FRIEND in this world?!?
no matter how closed you are with her/him,
they are...
just friend!
and they can't ever compare with Family!
(p/s: I am quite disappointed with YOU...
hope that I have misjudge you!)
because, for me
"Life without friends can be lonely,
and I can't live with being lonely."
Back to my title,
They are with me wherever I go!
we alwayz have an intimate relationship between each other!
LOVE to be with you...
To Jessi's Greatest Mummy:
Mi, you dont ever know that how important you are for me!
you are such caring, tender, amiable
That's only 1 word can describe ~
That's only 1 word can describe ~
Mi, you are wonderful!!!
To Jessi's Coolest Daddy:

I am flourish with my Di
I am flourish with my Di
You teach me alotz
made me to grow well & luxuriantly!
made me to grow well & luxuriantly!
thanks for the protection too...
To Jessi's Sweetest QiQi:
I am really glad to have you!
The world without you,
I am nothing....
I am feeling PROUD to have such a perfect sis...
I am feeling PROUD to have such a perfect sis...
To Jessi's Smartest Boy:

Trusing you, Boy...
Just like what you alwayz do to me!
I am not a nice sister for sometimes...
but, promise to you here
I will be as good as I can
To Jessi's Cherubic Sheng:
bt you are the sensible!
Thanks for bringing fun & conviviality
to our family...
Sheng, Jie believe that you will have a greatest future!
Be good yea....
To Jessi's Lovely Ah Pi:
do not be dough,
you are a part for me too ^^
I have leave nothing to be desired...
thanks for never leave me alone!
Tears dropping..
not because of I am sad, bt blessedness!!!
Happy with what I have!
p/s: I will be back again on 10th Sept ^^
see you darlings!!! muakss